Redland museum has great collection! It consists of over 13,000 items presented on 1,340 square metres of floor area. In other words – it is big!!
In Redland museum you can see, read about and feel magnificent artefacts that are displayed as a record of the Redland Shire’s social history from 1842 to the present day.
Redland museum has many treasures that exemplify the ingenuity of our pioneers and their descendants.
In Redland museum there are rare objects in the marine.
There are also rare objects in the military, school, parlour and music rooms. Our unique engine, machinery, transport, textile and doll displays are amazing. And there is so much more!
There is always something happening. School groups visit often to learn about local history.
Many different and varied Senior’s groups are frequently welcomed into the Museum. Comments in the visitor’s book express their delight during the visits.
Rolling and diverse exhibitions are held regularly. Examples like the blacksmith display, Boggo Road and Botanical Painting exhibitions have attracted many visitors.
The Museum organises stimulating concerts and other events that have great appeal and have enriched our local community.